Exam Policies

Those students who have been paid the course fees and attended the class or seminar in person weather onsite or online are eligible to take the exams and receive the certificate or credit for the class or seminar.

Administration for Exam

All the exams in Islamic Reminders Institute will be held online and student will be provided the exam link to do it. Google exams will be conducted online after the exams students will be notified with the results.

The exam would be available to take on the day after completing the course or seminar for example one day weekend (Saturday) then it will be available to take once the class is finished otherwise on the last day of the class. The last date to give the exam will depend on the course but usually within 3 days you must complete and submit.

If the course is being taught for the first time then the link for the exam will be provide in between the exam or after half the class has been conducted.

Course Credit

In order to receive Islamic Reminders certificate, student must attend all the classes and take the required exam. Students will receive the final grades for each course upon completion of the exam. The passing grade for Islamic Reminders Institute’s exam is 70% unless it is stated as it might depend on course as well sometimes.

Due to any reason those students who did not received their results immediately after submitting their online exam should contact us at info@islamicremindersinstitute.org

Exams for Online Courses

The maximum time to submit the exam for online course can be up to 1 month but depends on course as well after the live sessions of classes has been ended for on site or online classes. The time frame has been provided to students so that they can review all the notes and modules accordingly to the course.

In case of Absence (Final Exam)

All the information related to exam will be clearly available to the registered students for the course. Students are also responsible for knowing the date and time of their exam. Therefore, if the student lapse in the knowledge as the details are mentioned above information will be not accepted grounds for missing the exam.

If the student wants to defer the exam based on the above condition will be rejected.

Those students who are absence from the exam for any other reasons must be able to justify in writing with the supported documents to be attached. For those who missed the exams due to any illness or, family issues, or any serious circumstances will be reviewed for a deferral of the exam after the deadline.

If the reason for deferral is the inadequate preparation for exam will not be accepted.

Students who has taken their exams during the period of illness are not allowed to appeal their exams results on the sickness ground. If absent due to any other reason must be justified in writing as stated in above section. The management team will review and reserves the right to approve or deny any request by the student.

Retake Exam Policy

Those students who have received the low or failing grade on the final exam which is less than 70% and wish to retake in order to pursue the credit and certificate for the particular course need to pay an administrator fee for retake exam. In order to request a retake exam the student are required to contact us through email info@islamicremindersinstitute.org

Late Exam

Student’s those who have already taken the classes for the registered course but have chosen not to take the exam within its deadline set by the management team will not receive the credit or certificate. However, student may get a chance to give exam on different date provided to pay extra fees for the exam. To request foe this and pay administration fee please contact pur management team.

Fee Structure

Please contact info@islamicremindersinstitute.org for fees related inquires and retake exams.

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